Friday, November 30, 2012

They condemn what they do not understand

Warning: if you are in good mood and rather skip life lessons, this post is not for you.

Things have been rather quiet lately. Other than my trip to Bangkok, there seems to be nothing else to blog/tweet about! How do others do it? I have never been the kind to blog about my everyday - where did I go, what did I eat, what did I wear, who did I meet, how did I get there, etc -. Do you seriously want to know what time I go for a toilet break?

lol, I do this to Koh and Jared all the time.

Luckily for myself, I love drama - thou it prolly last for only a few hours- and I was pretty stroked that the SMRT saga still has its likes climbing up! Despite it making me feel sad for our society - other than having sadist love seeing others get trolled and know-it-alls giving legal advice -, I did enjoy the good laugh I had every time I see more stupid people commenting on how oblivious and how much of a dumb blonde I am.

Apply cold water to the burn skin!

If seeing is believing then OMFG! Valeria Lukyanova is really barbie doll incarnation!

She's real!

In a social circle, there's bound to be one or two of these imbeciles. You cant like them all, you cant hate them all. What pisses me of is people without their own mindset. I get it, being in a group prolly make you feel invincible. 'Cause you think anything happen, these are your 'brothers/sisters' who have your back. Ya sure, when it comes to being a prick or borrowing a few cents - thats what they can afford only anyway-. I would really like to see what will become of them if shit got real.

lol, teletubby.

Right, you must be confused. You know how I like to 'fry news'? Especially when I am like in the low tide season where everything is so boring and mundane. I need action, news -no, the china strike thing dont concern me. I take cab all the time now-, more action, drama, bitching, ...firstworldproblems!


And how I take a glance at someone new and very quickly decide if I like or loathe that person. I am always right one lor so I dont even bother trying to change that part of me. So, like I've said earlier, in a social circle, you cannot like/hate them all.

I always cannot stand a certain someone but I try my best to engage in conversations -although turned out awkward all the time- whenever and however I can. 'Cause since A is friends with everyone else, A shouldnt be what I think A is, right? Nope, didnt work out. Still cant stand A. Funny thing is I cant point what I cannot stand about. Maybe 'cause A accuse me of hanging with them only because I got no other friends/nothing to do -in other words, saying I making use of them- =/ How hilarious. But more on this later.

Along came more new faces. This is where I dont hang out very often anymore as I dont go back to my parents' every night. So every once in awhile, when I arrange to meet C, they are always around. I meet C for a reason; either to catch up on things or to pass C things. Not because like what A thinks, I got nothing else better to do. Hell, I could've stayed home to watch my TV drama!

School? What school?

Koh has always describe some of them as delinquents and even though I havent hold a decent conversation with them yet, I defended them and told Koh to butt out. Although I already know I confirm cannot click with them but because they are friends of a friend of a friend or however related to someone in the original group, I should gave myself a chance to see whats on the inside.

Yup, always motherfucking trust my own instincts. As of 30th Nov 2012, thats my motto.

These kids are mentally disabled. Sick in their own world and perhaps only 20% educated. So full of themselves and very unrealistic. They speak not only without IPO system but also without facts. As thou living in their fantasy world isnt bad enough, they drag others down with them. My heart wept for them all. I hate to be so general because I am really referring to just one or two of them. Oh well, people judge all the time. Therefore, they should be given the benefit to also judge who I am actually referring to.

Pfft, bitch please. You can be an Eurasian and a Singaporean at the same time, you know? The latter is your citizenship and the former is your race. So you mean to say if you are Malay means you are Malaysian? In this case, please tell me which country are Eurasians from! Seriously, who in the blue world -cause we are somewhat 70% water, 30% earth - can pretend to be Eurasian? I, for sure, cannot. 1)I do not have the skin colour. 2) I do not have any angmoh blood flowing in my system. 3) My I/C states otherwise.

Meet Jean Danker, prolly one of the most recognized local (+65) Eurasian.  

*roll eyes*

And, A, its not like I dont give a damn about my brothers. They are entitled to how to live their lives. They dont come to me and tell me how to live mine. Maybe you should care more about your demented family. You are lucky your sister(s) is/are there for you although shit happens and things arent going so well for you in your family. My condolences. God prolly have something else planned for you if you wake up your ideas -come the fuck on, how old already?-. He is always fair.

This post is getting so tough, being unable to name names as most of them are still minors. Therefore, here comes more random alphabets!

These kids are also two faced sons of guns. S, you really think they have your back when they had dissed you more often to any others? Have you long forgotten those days where we genuinely talk about the future? Where have that sensible part of you one to? Is it necessary to get to their good books and forget about being who you are? You are definitely better than that!

[Side track: Oh, before I forget, I must really clear the air! Yes, I teach for a living for some time now. Instead of questioning my ability to do so, perhaps you want a trial lesson to see for yourself? It will cost you about 40-60$ an hour. Doubt you can afford that but it is how much my one hour cost. Now, what about yours? $7.50? K, I give you $10 enough to buy rokok.]

You could also read my testimonials! My students either Band 1 or Band 2 leh. One even got "Best Progress Award"- Not Good Progress but Best! -. Currently, I have 3 parents on my waiting list (since 3 months ago) but I just want to take a break this holiday season and concentrate on my angmoh students. CA2, PSLE and SA2 took its toll on me -insertsadface.

If you dont like the idea of me being a tutor, lan lan suck thumb lor. Just make sure our paths dont meet when you have offsprings that need extra help!]

R and Z, I've never really hold a proper conversation with y'all two before but I know your hearts are kind. I dont have beef with the two of you, tbh. Therefore if yall have/had a problem with me, my apologies.

Sorry Gen X, Gen Y couldnt do any better; Myself included.

Once a bad seed, forever a bad seed. You cant grow anything out of it. But a bad apple can be a good one if you remove the bruise part. However, if a bad apple has maggots in it, its a gone case. Apparently, some of them have maggots in their heads but hey! They who do not understand, condemn.

p/s: pardon the usage of language. Not entirely in the best of mood to type and phrase pRoPerLy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Winners of #freeburgers giveaway

Why did I even use hashtag? Anyway, here are the winners!

3) Aoi
4) Ann

Congrats! Please contact me via anyway you can and want and we shall arrange a way to pass you the voucher! You will each get two!

Anyway, if you did not win this time, its alright! Another giveaway is happening next week! I'm sure y'all will like this; facial mask! You may start tweeting now about this giveaway and make sure your friends RT to stand more chances of winning!

Tweet in YOUR MOST CREATIVE TWEET WITH HASHTAG #freefacialmasks #ssl and Blog URL now!

Remember to follow me on nuffnangx as well!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Back !

I'm finally back from bangkok! I know I haven't complete my giveaway! Winners will be announced as soon as I stop living off my luggage. I haven't unpack and sort my life out. Pretty much still holiday mood!

Here's my ootd!

100baht mbk fake raybans. 99baht jj market dress. 100baht platinum mall belt. 310baht Naraya bag.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ah Girl Gets Trolled

I had never undermine the power of the World Wide Web. To be totally honest, I can be gullible at times. Like if we have been friends for sometime and you finally let me into the secret that Obama is a distant relative of yours, I'd prolly believe you. No, really. But when it comes to the Internet, I check and double check. If you not my friend and I not your friend, I surely check your profile and see what your problem is one leh. You mean I am adnormal for doing so?

Wait a min...

Hipster Celine - Checking profile page before its cool.

And if you had seen this post, you prolly know I got time in hand to reply to anyone and every twitter account that @replies me. But sometimes these troll/spam accounts never reply me back one

Then, came @smrtsg. Although like my plight is true, I knew it was a troll. I was damn excited that got people as bo liao as me you know. The only cheapskate thing I adore and enjoy is cheap thrill(s).

So of course things went viral. It has -of the time I draft this post- 1.8k-ish likes and 289 shares. Look mum, I am an overnight Internet "sensation". And when all these are happening, I was getting wasted badass.jpeg

Basically the point of this entry is to show you the tweeter conversation I had w @smrtsg and like all Singapore media, there is filtration. Which sucks given the fact that its a parody account (why scared? you also not working for the government -.-") and youngsters always indirectly talking about transparency.

Disclaimer: Screenshots taken at different timings.

I was such a fun sport, in my opinion however kena labelled "cheapskate". Thank you for those who commented nicely and dislike(d) the parody account. Its heartwarming. In their defence, Singapore does need creative people like that for fun and laughter. And really, I am not stumped by it. I just pray that it doesn't go on Stomp despite it being shared around. I can go on any media except Stomp, I swear. It's the most degrading form of media ever in the entire history of mankind.

Alright, you caught me red-handed. If you are/were a vivid stalker, you had prolly already saw me twice on Stomp, once on RazorTV and once on The Newspaper although none of it, i assume, is as hardcore as this.

Replies to some really nice people:

ShuRin Shushu  - It made my day too!
Azman Hamzah- you cant say its cruel unless I was really the dumb blonde.
SMRT Ltd (Feedback) - Lol, thank you for what. This was one of God's plan for me. Amen.
Jonathan Wong - Iyo, very typical Singaporean leh you. I got say I want to sue meh?
Choo Jun Jie and Fir Firdauz - Y'all tag me for what, lol. I already commented on it before y'all leh.
Yan Chongshuo - Exactly right! Already there was an understanding between the driver and I that he -at that point of time- agreed to send me to my destination.
Alex John - Where is your funny bone, dude?
 Angel Joseph Millare Sena - You know 1, 2, a few, some Taxi Drivers than you assuming you know all of them and how "irrational" I can get?
Rhyn Chan -  Take the American Chill Pill yo~
Lester Lee  - Contrary to popular belief, I am actually not poor. I am rich in knowledge and fats. You may want to take your self pity somewhere else.
Celeste Chua -  Thanks for being so nice! But I am not really offended by it nor affected.
Lydia AkilProfatsir ChanIntan Sakinah DiamoNdRilence TanKoh Kah Beng , Shao WeiMuhammad Luqman Hakim , - Sometimes, I pray. I pray for God to hurry show you the way of Life.  We should not be narrow-minded and judge based on what little we know of them.


Profatsir Chan - While I truly and sincerely appreciate your 4 humble words, I reckon you should spare a thought for your 2 kids. I cant imagine what other labels you are able to teach your offsprings. Is this really what you want to see in Singapore citizens in the near future? Unless you know me personally, I dont see how you can -based on a photo of a social media platform- determine that I am no longer humane because of Greed?


Rilence Tan - While I am sure you are true to your beliefs -else your religious views wont be the only visible information on your Facebook page-, I think its better that you keep it hidden somewhere safe. God did not promote your doings neither did he want to die for your sins in vain. You think not painful one ah?

I wanted badly to say something about how ridiculous your name sound but let me not be rude. I dont wish to stoop to your level of stupidity, I mean "intelligence". My name is just as ridiculous. Besides, if your relatives named you that and I hope they have a pretty good reason too, I dont want to disrespect them although you have done a very good job already.

Either way, unlike you, I dont judge. If I do, I will be saying shit like "oh, behind your profile picture, there must be a nose resembling an animal just as filthy as y__ or a lip that resembles one of the large number of species in the Anatidae family of birds or BOTH.

Look ma, no hair!

Too bad you not angmoh or you prolly could pull it off. But then again, with your ugly personality- wait did I just judge you based on nothing that I know about you? Oh yea, I sure did. How does that make you feel now? -, I guess you got to lan lan suck thumb wait for death.

Perhaps you were hiding your failed lip fillers behind your phone. You secretly look like this before your surgery, rightt?

By the way, just an heads up, your cover photo is prolly the closest you ever get to a girl. Yup, you computer/smartphone screen must be reallllllly clean.

Pinkie must be your favourite finger.


Lydia Akil- What other joy do you get other than seeing anyone else who is not related to you "suffer"? I cannot take you seriously while looking through your profile. It was just.. just making my eyes bleed. I merely wanted to see who is judging me and what reason(s) does the person have to do so. And I get it. I get why. You prolly have people judging you just the same. You need and want your moment to shine when you can go blend in and judge others. I am sorry you have to wait so long for me to turn up before you can feel better about yourself.

Wait, if you really do not give a "damn shit", why is it plastered on your Facebook? First of all, in order to know if one has a job or not, you have to get to know the person first right? I am sure your introduction didn't go "Hi, I am Lydia. I can't be your friend until I know you have a job. So do you have one?", right? jackiechan.jpeg. Oh wait, w(h)at the FUCK, you dont give a damn shit.

Here's what I think of you, you're a 'Omg, I am such an attention seeking 14 year old prick who obviously too cool for school hence I can't type properly and tots, whatever' sad little person. My heart wept for you.

p/s: Added in Puss in Boots so there is a cute factor about the photo.


 Intan Sakinah DiamoNd- I dont know who is more pathetic. Me or you. Because for starters, I do not poke my nose into other people's business and call them idiots behind their backs especially if my grammar and vocab do not match up to a 5 year old.

I mean, even a concern Facebook friend of yours who took the time to read your status did not even understand you. Your reply is what an imbecile would prolly say too. "Understandable words are too mainstream"? Gurrll, do you even know what you are talking about! Its people like yourself who refuse to be mainstream and speak/type proper English that caused Foreigners to undermine Singaporeans. Kudos to you. I hope being a hipster makes you feel better about yourself as you seem to have the lack of intelligence. May your wonderous contribution to the nation might one day get some recognition!

For your information, taxi vouchers do exist and only in $50 value. I have to applaud the parody account owners on their realistic-ness. Its uncanny!

Back to who is pathetic and who's not. Just so you know, it means that one is either a miserable soul or pitiful. I am none of the above, are you? Like what I mentioned before to Profatsir Chan above - Unless you know me personally, I dont see how you can -based on a photo of a social media platform- determine "this gal is so pathetic is all ways"? Oh and out of curiosity, do you really look like this : -.-'"


I have no problems with having my name all over Singapore Facebook Network. Admittingly, I asked for it. I replied the parody account willingly and deserves what comes after. I didn't expect it an overnight Internet sensation. With that, I leave you with a personal quote of mine: Peace comes not from the absence of conflicts in life but from the ability to cope with it.  I am sure that you will not be offended by this post. Afterall, if you dont want people to talk about you, you should not talk about them as well.

I canz has bangs

If you haven't follow me on tweeter or Instagram you should! @robotshoe for twitter and @robotgranny for Instagram.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Date night

Koh and I had a date night at yacht club .

Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm giving away FREE BURGERS!

All you need to do is follow these few steps!

1)Follow me on nuffnangx . Look for SUPERSTICKYLABELS!


2) Follow and Tweet "I WANT THOSE DAMN BURGERS giveaway at #freeburgers @robotshoe"


1)Follow me on nuffnangx . Look for SUPERSTICKYLABELS!


2) Comment on this blog post " why you will like to have free burgers!"

Very easy right, I think so too. These Portobello mushroom burgers have an expiry date. There will be a total of 4 winners, each getting 2 of these burgers!


Till next time, toodles!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I like to reply to spam tweets

Just to see if they will reply me any further to convince me to press their virus link.