Friday, December 24, 2010

Ova and Over

Yay, I completed my 2nd semester in SMa and 1 more semester till I can grab hold of my diploma (finally)! My transcript confirm very nice because I am Astar student.

I am not very confident this semester but I really don't wish to see my transcript with any Credits or Pass. I've been a good girl, Santa. Well, sorta. At least I got like 3 Distinctions and 1 High Distinction to my name already. A few more (4 more to be exact) won't kill you right? Somemore you don't even have to travel to my place! Just ask the school to email me.

However, I must add that I indeed have a feeling I might have only done well enough to get S this semester's paper. S for Sub.Paper which means I'd have to sit for it again. *add dramatic drama queen's screams of No*

I wont accept a Fail too because there is no way in Jurong that I will want to sit through PR or Journalism again. Plus, I'd have to wait for a semester before retaking. Its a waste of time.

So okay, here goes, I am willing to accept two Ps this semester. There. No more compromise or arguments. I promise to work doubly hard next semester and be really nice to Dr Poh. I won't even laugh at his English or try to be sarcastic to any lecturer. Its tough but the tough gets it going.

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